Personalized learning is
An educational approach that tailors the what, when, where and how of learning to meet each student's abilities, needs, and interests.
Personalized learning is
A customized process that includes giving students a say in how they learn and in how they demonstrate their learning.
Personalized learning is
A potential game-changer. if done well, students are more engaged and get help as soon as they need it. If not done well, struggling students can get left behind.
Personalized learning is not
All about technology. Tech is helpful but not required. The big resource teachers need is time to learn new skills and time to plan and strategize on a regular basis.
Personalized learning is not
An excuse to lower expectations. Kids may learn some skills at different paces, but all are held to rigorous standards.
Personalized learning is not
Just for students with IEPs. But it can reduce stigma by giving options to everyone instead of singling out the few who receive formal accommodations.