S.V.Pre-School offers a developmentally appropriate curriculum. This means, first, that all aspects of the pre-school experience – from classroom materials to planned activities to the rhythm of the school day – are designed to meet the needs and challenge the capacities of tiny tots. Second, this means that the teachers, curriculum, syllabus and teaching techniques are responsive to the personalities, leaving styles, family background and formative experiences of individual children.
Visual Art
media and techniques through open-minded activities in which the emphasis is on
the process, not the product. The curriculum includes painting, drawing, collage,
clay work and three dimensional construction. We especially value the power of
art to give children a means to express feelings, tell stories, assert their
individuality and communicate with other children. Art supports pre-literacy
development by giving children the capacity to represent and communicate the
products of their imagination. Through using flash cards, block games, puzzles,
thumb painting, palm painting, drawing, coloring we develop their Fine-motor
skills. Through jumping, running, playing hurdles and cones, playing games related
to studies, nature walk we develop their Gross-motor skills as well their
observation power. We plan activities for the development of their listening skills,
understanding skills, writing skills, vocabulary, recognize alphabets, numbers,
various things and eye-hand coordination.
ational and fine-motor skills.
Cognitive Development
through children play and through meaningful activities such as classrooms daily
routine, watering the plants, imaginative play, art, music, dance and all other
aspects of classroom life.

Language Development
curriculum emphasizes talk – in classroom meetings and casual conservations, to
resolve conflicts and make up stories, to tell jokes, reading and invent rhymes.
Teachers read to children every day and engage them in conservation that extends
their exploration of materials or their imaginative games. Books are a central part
of classroom life, as is everyday print – or calendars, attendance charts, artwork
and signs. Children have ample opportunity to experiment with drawing, writing
and telling stories.
Social Development
At S.V.Pre-School, children are provided daily opportunities they can take
responsibilities, follow instructions, demonstrate confidence, demonstrates
respect for self and others, demonstrates adequate attention span, demonstrates
leadership qualities, understands taking turns, interacts positively with friends and
adults, works cooperatively in a group, follows school rules, takes care of
belongings and maintains personal hygiene.

Schools' Vision & Mission
Our Vision is to be an academic institution of excellence dedicated to making our students exceptionally dynamic, responsible & self-reliant individuals with knowledge, wisdom & humanity.
S.V. Pre-School will provide students with a world class holistic education, imparted by trained & expert faculties in a harmonious & stimulating interactive learning environment to achieve the cognitive, emotional, social, physical, creative & spiritual potential of every student. We impart knowledge using latest technology & also maintain Indian tradition & culture.

Our Activities

How to Enroll Your Child to a Class?
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Meet Our Teachers
Man face fruit divided seasons herb from herb moveth whose. Dominion gathered winged morning, man won’t had fly beginningWORLD CLASS FACILITIES
S.V. Pre-School is devoted to excellence in teaching, learning, and research, and developing leaders in many disciplines who make a difference globally.Smart & Wi-Fi Enabled Class-Rooms
Air-Conditioned Class-Rooms
Limited Number of Students
Trained & Expert Faculties
School App
Aesthetic Environment
ABL (Activity Based Learning with Play way method)
Field Trips / Excursions
Nature Walk
Games & Toys
Days' & Festivals' Celebrations
Co-Scholastic Activities
Toy Train
Toy House
Creative Zone
Health Check-up
- Be regular student; come to school in clean and tidy school uniform.
- The School I-Card is to be worm every day.
- Parents are requested to leave/collect their ward from gate No.6 only.
- Late comers will not be allowed to enter the school premises.
- No students will be allowed to go home before school time. Half leave will not be granted. In case of emergency, Parents have to personally come with parent’s I card & pick up their wards.
- Your ward will not be given to unknown person without parent I card.
- Parents are not allowed to enter the classroom directly without the permission of the Principal.
- If parents want to meet class teacher, can meet them every Saturday between 11:30 am to 12:00 pm. [except holidays]
- Pupil suffering from contagious / infectious diseases will not be allowed to attend the school.
- Leave application / medical certificate should be submitted by parents to principal in school.
- For any official work parents have to give application 3 days before. Required documents will be issued after 3 working days from the date of application.
- Check the haircut, nails, uniform & punctuality of your ward in the morning.
- Boys’ hair should be short & girls must keep their hair neatly tied.
- Parents are expected to make sure that their wards are in proper uniform when they leave for school.
- If your ward is absent in school, he/she must make up all the work missed by him/her.
- Leave for going out of station should be approved prior to proceeding on leave.
- It is mandatory to attach name label to all items of uniform such as socks, caps etc. to prevent loss.
- Don’t send valuable & precious things to school. School is not responsible for the loss of your things.
- Parents should provide ample opportunity to their children to converse in English at home.
- If the child is not making the desired progress, kindly meet the Principal.
- The school Diary should be checked every day.
- Maintain personal hygiene like clipping of nails, washing hair regularly & being neat on a regular basis.
- Students should exercise regularly.
- Sleep for at least eight hours daily.
- Have a balanced diet, nutritionally rich in proteins & drink milk.
- Drink water which is either boiled or filtered. All students are advised to bring their own water bottles from home.
- Avoid consumption of ice-cream, other milk products and eatables from road side vendors.
- Deworm your child once every year. Advice to be taken from your family physician.
- Get dental and ophthalmic checkup done once every year by a dental surgeon and ophthalmologist.
- If there is any infectious disease at your home, please report the fact to the principal at once and do not send your ward to school till the infectious period is over.
- Students suffering from infectious diseases like conjunctivitis, chicken pox, measles, mumps, whooping-cough, dermatitis, scabies etc. should not be sent to school.
- Students suffering from chronic diseases like asthma, epilepsy, rheumatic heart disease etc. are advised to be under continuous medical supervision of a specialized doctor. History of their illness must be informed to the class teacher in written along with the treatment being taken.