What we offer
In our school, we have big, well-equipped, well-decorated, neat and clean, air-conditioned smart classes with smart board and green board. We have creative corners in each classroom where children can do so many creative activities in their free time. Each and everything is tagged with its proper name, so that, children can get the knowledge of particular things by reading its name. We have arranged tables and chairs for students in classrooms, so that, teachers can pay their personal attention to each and every student. We use smart boards to teach and explain each topic.
Program Information
Toy House & Jungle Gym
What will they learn?
> The pre-school child likes to explore and investigate and they have a natural curiosity.
> The pre-school child is learning to communicate with adults and their peers outside of the home and family situation.
> The pre-school child really enjoys physical play outside and music, story and rhyme.
What kind of curriculum do you follow?
S.V.Pre-School offers a developmentally appropriate curriculum. This means, first, that all aspects of the pre-school experience – from classroom materials to planned activities to the rhythm of the school day – are designed to meet the needs and challenge the capacities of tiny tots. Second, this means that the teachers, curriculum, syllabus and teaching techniques are responsive to the personalities, leaving styles, family background and formative experiences of individual children.
What are the Special Features of your School?
S.V.Pre-school is a very special place for children where they come happily and learn a lot. It has maintained its standard of excellence. Every part of it is a valuable arena of learning and a sense of balance permeates in every aspect of life. It has a very colorful & child-friendly environment.
The Thematic System provides learning by doing, step by step. It stimulates and satisfies a child's curiosity and enlarges the child's mental horizon.
Is outdoor play supervised?
High-quality environments can help keep children safe from injury. This lesson focuses on ways preschool teachers can ensure indoor and outdoor environments are safe for children.
Providing safe toys and materials
Maintaining safe adult-to-child ratios
Supervision and accountability indoors and outdoors
Teaching safety rules
Safe sleep for preschool-age children
Child abuse prevention, identification, and reporting
Preparing for emergencies
Responding to injuries
Special considerations for trips away from your program
Vehicle safety
Disclaimer: Not all accidents at school are the result of teacher negligence. Sometimes injuries occur despite the administrators’ and teachers’ best efforts. When school employees do everything reasonably possible to protect their students, they may not be found negligent. Under no circumstances, parents can not hold school management or staff responsible for any such accidents.